How can I place an order?
You can place an order with Onur Food Market either shopping online via our fully SSL secured-server whenever you want or you can order by calling +1 813 458 61 40 Monday to Sunday between 10 am-7pm.
Will I get a confirmation for my orders?
Yes, you will receive a confirmation e-mail after you submit your order.
What information do you need to send out a package?
We need a valid and complete street address, with a correct zipcode, apartment or suite number, city, state and the phone number of the recipient.
How much should I pay for shipping?
If your order is over 79$ Local delivery is free.We are located in Tampa,up to 25 miles free
All others will get calculated postage for their selected service
We ship within the United States, Canada, and many international destinations. You can select from a variety of delivery options during the checkout process. Shipping ground or USPS usually takes 1-5 business days (Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays are not considered business days). If you would like a different shipping option than what is available online, please reach out us via email or contact at 1-813-458-6140 in our business hours.
How do I cancel an order?
If you decide to cancel your order please contact us by phone ore-mail as soon as possible. Please note that orders can not be cancelled once it is shipped.
Can you send my order to another recipient?
Yes, we can. But it is your responsibility to let the recipient know a package is coming.
How are the items to be sent?
All food items are packaged to meet the highest standards of safety and quality. In summer time, dry ice packs may be used for the states that have 90 degrees or higher for a week or longer to qualify the freshness of the perishable items. Dry Ice evaporates, so there may not be any visible dry ice in the package upon opening. Dry Ice packs keep the products refrigerated for 36 to 48 hours.
Is shopping at your site secure?
We apply the best security techniques available in the industry to protect your personal and financial information. The connection between you and our server is fully secured by SSL technology.